10 June 2020: Live calls in US market

Following live calls were shared with our clients in the US market on 10 June 2020:

  • Booked full profit in Tesla (TSLA) at 1015 (originally bought at 935)
  • Booked full profit in Beyond Meat (BYND)  at 162.95 (originally bought at 152.85)
  • Booked full profit in Microsoft (MSFT) at 195.79 (originally bought at 188.42)
  • Booked loss in Boeing (S/L triggered at 200, originally bought at 205)
  • Covered short in S&P500 at 3190 and again went short at 3215
  • Went short in DOW @ 27310, RUSSELL @ 1490 and NASDAQ @ 10120