The 10th edition of Annual Letter by Astro Dunia is a boon for medium/long-term investors. Allocation of assets in your portfolio will be the deciding factor for its overall performance. What would be the ideal combination in 2022?

Astrology unhides the best combination that can safeguard your portfolio amidst the most volatile time in history.
Some of the stock picks in the last edition of the Annual Letter delivered an ROI in the range of 50-200% or higher while Crypto-currencies also traded as per our annual predictions.
Features of Annual Letter 2022
- Major asset classes covered: Equity Indices, Precious & Industrial Metals, Currency Pairs, Treasury Bonds, Energy Products & Agriculture (Grains, Pulses, Edible Oil, Sugar, Cotton, Guar Gum)
- Predictions in a timeline format from a medium/long term perspective.
- Suitable for investors in global markets
- Special Focus on US & Indian stocks
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This book will be released in the second week of January 2022.
It will guide you with medium and long-term investment opportunities that may not be covered by other traditional approaches.