Bullish index bets pay off

  • Long Positions:
    • Bought S&P 500 at 5410, sold at 5550
    • Bought DOW at 40350, sold at 40930
    • Bought Nasdaq at 18925, sold at 19330
    • Bought Russell at 2210, sold at 2276
  • Short Positions:
    • Sold S&P 500 at 5550, bought back at 5513
    • Sold Nasdaq at 19350, bought back at 19230
    • Sold Russell at 2276, bought back at 2240

In the last update on the website, we mentioned that there would be a recovery/bounce back across stocks and precious metals (Gold/Silver) in the current week. This played out well for our subscribers.

Pls note that stock market is overall positive until Friday.

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