Bullish move in metals as per forecast

We are overall bullish on Gold/Silver until 25 March 2024. The initial target mentioned in our Annual Letter was successfully achieved. We are long in Gold @ 2035 and Silver @ 22.00. Copper made an all time high – in line with our predictions. There is room for Copper to move higher. Edible Oil (such as soybean) will see an uptrend from Friday (+/- 1 day) which may last until month-end. A major rally is indicated in Sugar from the next week.
In the weekly newsletter, it was mentioned that Indian market would observe a correction by 14 March 2024. A sharp correction was observed yesterday. The bottom of market has been made or shall be made today. Next 2 weeks are overall positive for Indian stock market. Nifty may bounce back to 22400-22500. 

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