Astrology is rooted in the mystery of time and team Astro Dunia capitalizes on planetary movements to predict the overall situation of the economy, sectors and companies. The market timing perspective helps you identify trade/investment opportunities across various asset classes ahead of traditional methods.
Our farsightedness helped us predict the last 2 major financial crises of 2008 & 2020.
Designed to meet the needs of investors as well as traders, Astro Dunia offers a bouquet of proprietary services that certainly improvise the ROI of your portfolio. Daily Newsletter & Live Signals assist you with short/medium-term trades & extended support while the Annual Letter offers insights for long-term investments.
The most difficult decision in live market is choosing the entry & exit point of trades. Live Signal does that for you in a very convenient manner. All the trades recommended are carefully monitored and if any changes are necessary, conveyed in time.
WIDEST RANGE OF ASSETS COVERED: Global Stock Indices, Metals, Energy, FOREX, Bonds, Yield, Crypto-Currency, US Stocks