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Daily predictions for 18-September-2024 for Gemini

You will have to put-in extra hours to complete pending jobs at work. Those in business might experience some ups and downs. At domestic front you would find life to be peaceful and prosperous. Meeting of an old friend after a long time may give you some happy moments bur spend within limits on entertainment.

Daily predictions for 19-September-2024 for Gemini

You would get involved in some social activity today. Your financial situation is stable and would ensure you with courage and strength to overcome the adversaries. You may expect monetary gains from across the shores. Someone new is likely to come in your life or an old love that you are still attracted to.

Daily predictions for 20-September-2024 for Gemini

Those in job are required to put in more efforts. Business people need to transact carefully to avoid any kind of losses. Thinking may be good and positive. This will help you to attain aims. Students would perform well and they may get support of there family members. The environment at domestic front would be generally peaceful and you may have to attend a social gathering.