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Monthly predictions for August for Aries

You are planning to do something new in this month. But your laziness will hamper your work and all efforts will be wasted out. You may suffer a money loss which may give you tensions. A collective move with your friends will be fruitful, and your pending works will be completed in this month. You may recover some money which was held up in the past. Keep your attitude positive, otherwise you may take some wrong decision. You will get mixed results in the middle of this month. Your health needs attentions. Avoid any debate with your colleagues, as they may go against you. Romance is on the cards. You will meet your old beloved one in this month. You may hear some sort of good news in his month. A minor injury or minor accident may occur, so be carefully while going out from your house. Favorable Dates: 5,12,13,23,24.

Monthly predictions for September for Aries

A desire to possess luxuries and the material comforts would be prevalent in your mind throughout the month. There is a possibility of making good money at this time. You may come in contact with some person which may be your inspiration during this month. To achieve better results you have to put more efforts in your Profession. You will be get benefited from your old contacts from abroad. During the mid of the month new hopes in business will arise and you will get mental peace. Your all worries and tensions will be resolved during this phase of the month. Some of you may get promotion, may be financially or increase in job responsibilities. You will be busy in your family related matters. There is very real risk of poor health interfering with your efficiency. Good phase for students, they may receive some good news related to their admissions in higher courses. New problems may arise in day to day work. You will be in dilemma while taking decisions. Your economic conditions will improve as well as your health. You should remain careful when you leave your important articles; anything can happen. Friends and relatives will stand by you as you tackle your life challenges.

Monthly predictions for October for Aries

Circumstances in this month will be in your favor. Your position in the society and in the family will get strength and everyone in the family will listen to you. You will try to find some new ventures for making money, and for this you have to work very hard. Though your current position will run smoothly. Intelligently and tactfully taken decisions will be helpful to complete your new projects. Some new contracts are also on the cards. Be careful in your work and assigned jobs must be completed with full devotion. In the beginning of this month your health requires a little care, don