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Monthly predictions for August for Libra

You may be depressed during the beginning of the month. There may be some tensions will rise related to your business or job. Your family relations may not be cordial, but this does not give you any adverse effects on your business. Most of your economic problems will be sorted out. You will earn lot money in this month. This month will be the best of the year. Good time to invest in property. You may gain benefit from your contacts. You may attend some religious, social or cultural function. Do not make long distance journey as there are chances of accidents. You may be transferred to some place of your liking. Your relations with relatives will be cordial. Take care of your health. Take a tight control on money. Favorable Dates: 8,17,26.

Monthly predictions for September for Libra

Be careful from your opponents as they may damage your interests. Health of your children needs attention and may incur some expenses. At this time you may think that God is testing you. But do not be loose hearted, as you will overcome the situation with your prudence. By the mid of this month all the problems will be sorted out. Your prestige will be satisfactory and you will be able to succeed further. Economically your position will be satisfactory and will improve further. Your opponents and enemies won

Monthly predictions for October for Libra

Financially you are very strong in this month. You are charged with full of energy, which will help you to improve your business. You will get handsome margin in retailing of goods. In the first week of this month planets position will force/insist you to fight in your family or at your work place. Students will attract towards spiritualism or occult science, which will be fruitful to them in the near future. You are over burden of your work resulting in your health will deteriorated. Do not give loan to any body, as there are chances of late or no recovery. Later in the month yours health will improve and even your enemies may broke down but be careful about their activities. Give enough time to your family out of your work and the situation will improve in the months end. Misunderstanding between you and your life partner will be at the high and may lead to confrontations. You will be surprised to see the situation may change drastically. Students born in this sign may get success in competitions if results waited.