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Weekly predictions starting from 8 September for Taurus

Students will have to wok hard to get the desire results. Tussle in your family may come to an end. Your health needs care. Financial condition will deteriorate. You may receive some unpleasant news. But in the end of this week the condition will improve. Yours held up or pending works will be completed.

Weekly predictions for the week starting from 15 September for Taurus

There could be a difference of opinion with your boss at your place of work. Some of you might suffer a financial setback; be prepared. Do not use harsh words at your work place or at your home. You should adopt wait and watch policy to get benefited from govt. authorities. You will be satisfied and get mental peace to see the things moving in your desired directions in the last days of this week. Money wise your position will satisfactory and improve further. You may start some new ventures. You will have to watch for good time ahead. Your rewards will be directly proportionate to the hard work you put in.

Weekly predictions for the week starting from 22 September for Taurus

This is an ideal time for students only. Your long pending projects will revive and your profession will touch the new heights. You may gain from all sides. You may earn money from more than one source. This is the time to invest money in property which may yield good gains in the near future. You may be promoted to the next rank if you are in services and if you are a businessman some new ventures will be there in your path of success. You have to take theses opportunities to enhance your business. You may travel a lot in relation to your profession. Mentally you may be very busy and find no relief in this week. Some of the natives may get fame through media.