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Weekly predictions starting from 8 September for Sagittarius

The fortune turns favorable during this week. You will receive blessings from your parents and from elderly people in your family. Beware from your near ones as well as from strangers. You will pass your time in luxuries living/things. You may be promoted to the next rank if you are in service. Drive your vehicle carefully as minor collision of your vehicle is there on the cards. Your financial position in this week will be satisfactory and you may get money from more than one source. If you act intelligently than you will earn huge profit in this week. Your professional interest will be improved and you may start some new ventures in this week.

Weekly predictions for the week starting from 15 September for Sagittarius

Think twice before speaking anything in the public and control your anger also to avoid any mishappening. Do not believe on strangers otherwise you may suffer financial loss. Your health may need concern. You may buy something new for your house. Your interest may develop towards religious literature. Your family disputes may be resolved. Your property related disputes will be sorted out and you will be the gainer in that deal. You are likely to promote to the next rank. Drive your vehicle very carefully as there are chances of some minor accident.

Weekly predictions for the week starting from 22 September for Sagittarius

This week is a little favorable than the previous one. You will get number of opportunities to enhance your business. Your held up projects will get momentum, resulting in you will get mental peace. Service class persons may get promoted to the next rank. You may spend a lot on your vehicle or on your house. Expenses may shoot up drastically. Economic decisions taken now will prove to be fruitful. Beware from your opponents and enemies. Most of your time will be wasted in sitting idle.