You will get success in court cases if pending, or may get some pleasant news. Students will get favorable results. You may introduce a new technique at your workplace to enhance your business. You will be get benefited from your good deals which were made in the past. Your health needs attentions. Some old diseases may develop again. Do not over eat to avoid food poisoning. You may be trapped in some conspiracy which may be fabricated against you. Some new problems may arise, so be careful.
You will get benefits from everywhere. Journeys made during this period will prove to be fruitful in the near future. Your reputation will enhance in your social circle. Do not eat outside food to keep yourself away from seasonal diseases. You will use some new techniques to enhance your work performance and get benefited from that technique. There are expenses and journeys are on the cards. There is a win situation in legal cases if pending. Students born in this sign may get success in competitions if results are awaited. You will spend money on show off, and remain busy in family related matters.
You will participate in active politics in this month. You may develop some new contacts which will prove to be very careful in the near future. Good amount of money inflow is seen. Your business rivals may make conspiracy against you resulting in your mental equilibrium may get disturbed due to heavy loss in business. Due to these tensions you will not initiate any new task/project. You may involve in confrontations which may lead to mental tensions. Problems may arise one after one. But in the middle of the month a huge money inflow is seen. Now is the time to start a new project. Your new task will give you huge profits. Be ware from hidden enemies as they may give you loss. Bitterness may develop in your family relations. Your health may go deteriorated and require utmost attention. You will try your best to cop up the situation but all will go futile, with very minimum results. Journeys made in this period will be fruitful.