You will be praised at your workplace by your seniors. There are number of opportunities come to your way to success. Your professionalism will enhance your value at your workplace. Avoid unnecessary altercation at your home. Overall this is a good period for you. You may face minor health problems in this week. Some guests may come to your house and you will spend lavishly on treating them.
You will be busy in religious activities in the beginning of this month. You may earn money from some secret sources. You will have gain from every side in this month. Your all held up projects will get momentum. In the middle of the month you have to control your language as speaking harsh will bring you troubles and misunderstanding in your family and at your work place. Your held up tasks will be completed with the help of a friend. You will get name and fame in his month. You will get good profit in whatever you do in the last week of this month. Good inflow of money is seen. You may be successful in getting your dues from public in this month. You may develop some political contacts which may prove to be fruitful in the coming future. Do not involve your self in futile discussions. All your routine jobs will be accomplished without fail.
You will be successful in your every Endeavour in this week. Your reputation will enhance in the society. You may be involved in charity and also in religious activities. Your social reputation will be boosted up and you will get name and fame. Your progeny may be of yours concern. Your opponent and rivals may try to overpower you though they will not be able to make a dent in your routine work. You have to be careful about your court cases. You will earn good amount of money in the last days of the week. Money inflow in this week will make your bank balance thick. Your relations at work place and in family will be hormonal, resulting in you will get mental satisfaction. You may not get much time to relax in this week. This week is generally auspicious for you barring the end part.