you will be busy in social work in this week, but parallel you will accomplish your routine work as well. Do not make any long journeys during this week. Your enemies may be more active as usual, so be careful. Good money inflow is seen. Your health may deteriorate, so you have o take care of yourself. Good tie for the students.
You will accomplish your pending work in this week. You may get some important messages in the beginning of this week. Professionally you will leave no stone unturned in this week. You will get handsome reward for your hard work done in the past at your work place. Good money inflow is seen. Loaned out money will be easily recovered. Relations with wife will be hormonal. You may be satisfied to see the things are moving in your desired direction. Do any involve yourself in futile discussion, as this may lead to confrontation. Beware from your hidden enemies.
You will be praised in the society and in your relations too. Better you do not clash with any one; otherwise you may face dire consequences. But the last days of the week are quit favorable for you. You will have to spent more money for your family